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AEE Members have access to over 165 International AEE Conference Workshop recordings from 2020-2024. Preview the list here and join today for access!
Check out over 65 FREE Webinars on our YouTube Channel
Have you missed any of our past webinars? Don't worry, they are all FREE on the AEE YouTube Channel! In an effort to provide more resources for the experiential community, we have made the entire library of past AEE Webinars from 2016-2022 FREE for all!
Browse webinars by year below:
Click for 2022 Webinars
Risk Management Advances in Outdoor Adventure: A Historical Perspective from Maharashtra, India
But You're Wrong: Navigating Disagreements
Inside the Outhaus Connecting the Outdoor Community - Zoom Space Natural Replace?
How to Use the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Field Guide
Click for 2021 Webinars
How the Industry's Supply Chain is Affecting Outdoor Ed Buying
Make Zoom Work for You! Tips and Tools for Facilitating on Zoom
Click for 2020 Webinars
COVID-19, Where, Oh Where, is the Silver Lining? Finding Our Way Forward in the New Normal
Interactive and Experiential Modalities for Online Teaching in the Time of the Pandemic
Personal and Professional Mental Health Awareness in the Time of COVID-19
Navigating Parenting During COVID-19 with Maurie Lung
COVID-19: Risk Management, Legal and Practical Issues While Navigating Uncertainty
Kikori 101: Play. Reflect. Connect. Grow.
Risk Assessment & Safety Management: Making Program Decisions in the COVID-19 Era
Alleviating Compassion Fatigue When Caring Becomes Difficult
Mission Conservation: Using Innovative Mobile Technology to Support Conservation Learners at Home
Agents of Discovery: Using Augmented Reality to Create Engaging Educational Experiences
Experiential Education Online: Strategies for Practitioners
Pandemic Margins: Transformative Justice during COVID-19
Will We Gather Around the Campfire? - A Panel Discussion on Summer Camp Decisions
Grab your compass and rotate the bezel in the direction of social justice
Trauma Informed Engagement: The intersection of racism, bias and traumatic stress
Click for 2016-2019 Webinars
Jeff Jackson: Training to Failure and Other Highly Unlikely and Highly Effective Training Strategies
Protecting Your Client and Your Program w/ Reb Gregg
When Volatile Situations Arise during Processing and Reflection
Classroom Strategies that Empower Learners
More Than Autism: Neurodiversity and Sensory Processing
Brain Focused Strategies for Social Emotional Learning
How to Build Creative Synergy in Teams
RM 101: Introduction to Risk Management
Building a Culture of Risk Management: The Importance of the Near-Miss
When Risks Include a Lawsuit: Legal Liability Issues in Outdoor Education
Bullying, Empathy, and Monkeys
Unpacking Diversity: Language and Activities to Help Start your Conversation
Going High When Others Go Low: How Educators Can Promote Courageous Compassion
Effective Debriefing Tools and Techniques
Transformational Changes in Adventure Therapy
If We Were Brave: Managing Risk in Social Justice Training
OOPS Current Research and Trends Webinar
Serious Fun Webinar
Webinar: Training with the Brain in Mind
Hiring for Racial Diversity
EE Foundations Module 1: What is Experiential Education
What Drives EE?
What Does EE Look Like in the Classroom?
Lessons From the Field Pt. 1
Lessons From the Field Pt. 2
Lessons From the Field Pt 3
Effective Communication Activities
1986 Oregon Episcopal School Tragedy on Mt. Hood: What Have We Learned?
Effective Communication Activities Preview
Lessons from the field: Setting Boundaries
Lessons from the Field
Tag...You're It!
Out of Our Corsets and Into the Woods
Gnomes , Magic, and a Sense of Place
Hiring for Racial Diversity Webinar Preview
EE Foundations
Experiential Education Foundations: An Online Course for Teachers
Training with the Brain Webinar Preview
An Exploration of Risk Management in Outdoor and Adventure Education
The Developing Adolescent Brain with Respect to Education and Safety Management
Creative Problem Solving: How to Innovate on Demand
Moving Towards Gender Inclusive Environments
AEE webinar-- Seth Leighton: The Other End of a Skype Call
AEE Webinar - Wilderness to Virtual
Beyond Operator Error