
Payment Terms 
  • Payment by check, money order, ACH transfer, wire transfer, purchase order, PayPal, or credit card is required for all orders. In most cases, payment is required before products or services will be provided.
  • AEE is not responsible for payments or fees which are lost or stolen in transit.
  • AEE is not responsible for bank fees or penalties.

Forms of Payment

Checks, money orders, and certified funds must be made payable to “Association for Experiential Education” or “AEE” and drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S. dollars.   

  • Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express are accepted. 
  • PayPal is also an acceptable form of payment.
  • All prices are in U.S. dollars. 
  • Prices and availability are subject to change without notice. 

  • Fees and prices are exclusive of tariffs, duties, or taxes imposed or levied by a government or governmental agency. Some orders may be subject to state and/or local sales/use tax.  AEE reserves the right to correct tax rates and/or collect the sales/use tax required by law.

Purchase Orders

Purchase orders (P.O.) are accepted if this is the only means of paying for an order from businesses, educational institutions, and other organizations, provided the following conditions are met:

  • A copy of the actual P.O. is provided to AEE via email.        
  • Payment terms are Due on Receipt of invoice (immediately), not net 30. In most cases, payment is required before products or services will be provided.
  • Billing and shipping (if applicable) addresses are clearly stated.
  • Billing contact name, email, and phone number are clearly stated.
  • O. is signed by an authorized purchasing agent.
  • Conference Registrations: A registration form must be submitted with P.O.  Multiple registrations may be included on one P.O.; however, a separate registration form must be completed for each conference attendee. If emailing a conference PO, please email to sherry@aee.org.
  • Purchase Orders are considered contracts for payment.  Your account with AEE must currently be in good standing and have previous acceptable payment history (no balances due older than 30 days, no bad debt or write-offs, not in bankruptcy status).  

Returned Checks

There will be a $25.00 fee for returned checks. Once the bank notifies AEE of a returned check, the issuer of the check is notified by email. AEE reserves the right to refuse to accept checks from persons who have previously written returned checks.

Returns & Refunds


We understand that occasionally there is an accidental membership sign-up, however, as a nonprofit we cannot incur additional costs because of user error. We are charged fees by our credit card processors for every transaction, and will need to recoup those costs. Therefore, we reserve the right to follow the below policies:

  • If you become a member or renew in error, we will refund your membership minus a 10% service fee within 30 days of sign-up or renewal. After 30 days, membership fees will not be refunded if you became a member or renewed in error.
  • If you choose to cancel your Membership within 30 days of sign-up or renewal, we will charge a 10% service fee and refund the remaining fees. Memberships are non-refundable after 30 days from sign-up or renewal.


  • Returns must be pre-approved before shipment back to AEE. Please email sherry@aee.org. Damaged or clearance books are not returnable.
  • Shipping and handling fees are not refundable.
  • Online PDF books and publications are not refundable.

Conferences and Events

For all Regional, International and other paid Conferences and events, we reserve the right to follow the below policies:

  • All conference participant refund requests must be made in writing via email to AEE. Please contact sherry@aee.org.
  • If you cancel your registration 30 days prior to the start of the event, AEE will retain 10% of the total registration fee.
  • 25% of the registration fee will be retained for all cancellations 29 to 15 days prior to the event.
  • If a refund is requested within 14 days of the event, no refund will be given.
  • Registration fees are not transferable to future years.
  • There are no refunds if you do not attend the event.
  • AEE reserves the right to change the conference schedule and program offerings prior to and/or during the conference.
  • If you join as a member after filling out a registration form, you will not receive the member discount on registration and are not eligible for a refund of the difference.
  • If you fail to use a discount code during the registration process, we will refund you minus a 10% processing fee.
  • If AEE has to cancel an event entirely, refunds will be reviewed.

Treatment of Consumers Policy

The AEE Board of Directors has defined a policy that guides the association in its interactions with members and customers. This policy states:
With respect to interactions with consumers, or those applying to be consumers, the ED shall not cause or allow conditions, procedures, or decisions, which are unsafe, undignified, unjust or unnecessarily intrusive.
Further, without limiting the scope of the foregoing by the following, the Executive Director shall not:
  1. Use application forms or procedures that elicit information for which there is no clear necessity.
  2. Fail to operate facilities with appropriate accessibility.
  3. Fail to establish with consumers a clear understanding of what may be expected from the product or service offered.
  4. Fail to inform consumers of their rights, or to provide a way to be heard for persons who believe they have not been accorded a reasonable interpretation of their protection under this policy.
  5. Fail to gather informal and formal feedback from consumers regarding services offered, e.g., staff/consumer relationships, conference, organization performance, member benefits, etc.

If your experience with AEE has not met these expectations, please share your feedback with the Executive Director or Board of Directors.

Assumption of Risks

The Association for Experiential Education (AEE) may host a variety of programs and activities at AEE events and conferences, some of which may have opportunity for *virtual* physical or emotional engagement. Each participant may choose the level of their participation. Minimizing risk is a high priority at the AEE conference, but participants must understand that there are risks of physical or emotional injury, and assume those risks at their own discretion. While the risk of injury is small, they may result from, among other causes, moderate to strenuous activity including the possibility of falling and abrupt contact with fixed and other objects.

AEE recommends that participants be covered by health and/or accident insurance for the duration of their participation.

Participant's Assumption of Risks and Agreements of Release and Indemnity

In consideration of the services of the Association for Experiential Education in offering Conference programs and activities, I, Participant, agree as follows:

Assumption of Risks:

I acknowledge that I understand the activities in which I will be participating and their risks. I understand that certain risks are inherent in the activities, that is they cannot be eliminated without changing the nature and value of the experience. I voluntarily assume all the risks of the activities, inherent and otherwise, and whether or not they are described above.

Release and Indemnity:

I agree to release and to indemnify (indemnify meaning to protect, defend and pay any judgments, costs, and attorneys fees) the Association for Experiential Education, their employees, Board of Directors, volunteers and contractors with respect to any and all claims, including claims of negligence (but not of gross negligence or intentionally wrongful conduct), arising in any way from injuries or other losses suffered by me or caused by me in connection with my enrollment or participation in this conference.

Photo, video, and email release:

By registering, I grant to the Association for Experiential Education, their representatives and employees the right to take photographs or video recordings of me and my property in connection with my attendance and/or presentation(s) during the conference. I authorize AEE, their assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that AEE may use such photographs or video recordings of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and web content. I authorize AEE and verified Sponsors and Exhibitors of the AEE Conference or event access to the personal information I submitted on my registration form. I authorize AEE and verified Sponsors and Exhibitors to send emails to the address provided before, during, and after the conference, with the understanding that I may opt-out or unsubscribe at any time.

Code of Conduct

AEE is a Membership Association intended to be a safe and welcoming environment for all. All AEE events, virtual and in-person, aim to be inclusive for all, regardless of race, age, health status, ethnicity, ability, religion, political affiliation, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Any discrimination, intolerance, harassment, or aggression will absolutely not be tolerated. 

  • Be kind, courteous, respectful, inclusive, and welcoming to all regardless of race, age, health status, ethnicity, ability, religion, political affiliation, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
  • Immediately report any discriminatory, harassing, aggressive, or exclusionary behavior or speech to AEE staff 

Examples of unacceptable behavior(s) below, but are not limited to:

  • Discriminatory, harassing, aggressive, or exclusionary conduct within any event, forum, or chat room
  • Lewd, unruly, or vulgar behavior or language (including but not limited to offensive language, profanity, obscene gestures, or written or spoken slurs)
  • Wearing offensive clothing that is exclusionary or discriminatory during any virtual or in-person event

AEE staff reserve the right to determine if any code of conduct has been violated. If it is determined that any code has been violated, you will be removed from the event or networking area entirely without refund. Depending on the severity of the violation, your membership may also be revoked without refund.
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being treated poorly, or have additional concerns, please contact any member of the AEE staff.