Exhibitors & Sponsors
Supporting the Mission & Vision of AEE
Be Seen
As an exhibitor or sponsor, you’ll get in front of hundreds of new clients, customers, students and potential staff while simultaneously supporting AEE in our mission to elevate Experiential Education worldwide.
Who attends? Over 600 Practitioners, Students, Facilitators, Program Directors, CEOs, Teachers, Professors, Therapists & more.
Your support of the Experiential Education Conference directly impacts hundreds of conference attendees, who then go back to their communities and workplaces to impact thousands of students and peers.
2024 Opportunities
- EXHIBITOR $700 BUY NOW | $500 FOR NON-PROFITS BUY NOW *See all details in prospectus
- SUPPORTING SPONSOR $1,500 BUY NOW *See all details in prospectus
- IMPACT SPONSOR $2,300 BUY NOW *See all details in prospectus
Thank you to our Sponsors & Partners!
Thank you to our Exhibitors!
Western Carolina University, M.S. in Experiential and Outdoor Education | Viristar | Optima Independent | Explornatura |Alpacka Raft | Adventure Therapist, LLC | Association for Challenge Course Technology | Outdoor Research Collaborative for Health, Wellbeing and Experiential Engagement at the University of New Hampshire | Alpenglow Education | 2nd Nature TREC | Training Wheels | deuter USA | Prescott College | Solid Rock Outdoor Ministries | Wounded Warrior Project |
Custom Sponsorships
We’d love to come up with a sponsorship package that is meaningful to you! Below are examples of additional partnership opportunities.
- AEE Podcast sponsorship
- Conference Program Advertisement
- Sponsor a specific event, meal or session
- Sponsored Lanyards
- Attendee swag bags
- Website advertisement
- Logo on signage
Please contact Anna should you have an interest in any of the above or would like to discuss other opportunities.
Silent Auction
Each year at the International Conference, AEE holds a silent auction to raise funds for granting conference scholarships. A scholarship to the AEE International Conference provides a motivated individual with a chance to connect one-on-one with hundreds of fellow EE peers, instructors, and potential mentors - all in one place.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, AEE can use your help. Your donation to the AEE Conference helps us create a conference experience that is robust, accessible and fun. We will utilize donations in a variety of ways; supporting attendees who need financial support in order to attend, providing fun additions to social events, offsetting conference costs to help us keep registration pricing accessible, and much more.